Enhance your visibility and increase your online traffic

360° imagery is especially good for those who embrace the modern way of marketing and understand the values of being first... or at least not being last when it comes to promotional assets. For example you may have embraced social media ahead of others, and paved the way.

At MediaLIFT, we want your business to be in the minds of all potential clients and customers, and to give them an experience that connects them with you! This will make their decision to choose you an easy and a positive one.

It will also widen your international customer groups through offering deeper insight through a personal virtual visit.

360° Virtual Tours

are a perfect way to show your customers your store, location, venue space, restaurant in a bespoke way without leaving a computer screen.

Estate agent companies particularly benefit from Virtual Tours, as potential buyers picture themselves in a property prior to an in-person visit: Saving time for both the agent and the buyer.


Google Street View

is GoogleMaps but on the business level. Your location will be accessed directly from GoogleMaps.

This will increase your online visibility and presence, just as it deserves.

Once the tour is on Google Maps it is there publicly.


Why a Virtual Tour?

A Virtual Tour will enable customers to travel through the building, venue or property, in advance of a physical visit. The potential customer is able to repeat the tour which will only serve to enhance the possibility of them making a purchase or booking etc. The best hidden benefit is that it saves time-wasting as a Virtual Tour will help you obtain customers who are truly interested, eliminating those who are simply browsing or unsure.
360° provides greater immersion than conventional photography, as in-effect, the viewer sees the photograph from within the image itself. They are able to look around in all directions creating it's a very real and authentic way to experience the imagery.

There is an honesty with 360° imagery that you cannot achieve with conventional photography. Photography often sells lifestyle, whereas 360° sells reality. It can be infuriating for buyers to see photographs that imply a space is bigger than it actual is, it feels dishonest and can often results in a wasted visit!

COVID avoidance
Minimise unnecessary in-person contact.
See the photograph from within the actual image.
Cut time and inconvenience of a photoshoot.

A few more details about 360°

Perfect for a variety of businesses, so why not:

    • Place your company at the top, by presenting yourselves as tech savvy and up-to-date with technology
    • Allow customers and potentials clients to visit your premises from the comfort of their own home or office
    • Assist/encourage your potential customers by providing a virtual visit
    • When presenting a house for sale, 360° imagery immerses the potential buyer into the space and allows them to imagine themselves in their new home
    • Maximise your companies presence on Google Maps by having purposely shot exterior and interior 360° imagery
    • When choosing a restaurant for special occasion, its ambiance and interior 'look' will often effect a customers decision whether or not to make a reservation. 360° imagery will help a customers decision
    • Assure a customer prior to arriving at the venue. This is particularly useful for medical facilities and exam test centres
    • A virtual tour can answer many unanswered questions prior to arrival
    • With the current pandemic, more and more people are looking to virtual tours as a way to explore and visit
Become one of the companies who have joined the 360° movement and get in touch.